Take a minute to read about important before and after care.
Proper Preparation and Aftercare for Electrolysis Treatments
Achieving the best results and minimizing side effects from electrolysis treatments requires proper preparation and aftercare. Here are the key guidelines to follow:
Before Your Appointment:
Exfoliate the Treatment Area: Gently exfoliate the skin to remove dead skin cells.
Avoid Hair Removal Methods: Do not pluck, wax, or thread the treatment area during your electrolysis journey. Shaving is acceptable but avoid it the day of your appointment.
Stay Hydrated: Hydration is essential. Drink plenty of water and electrolytes leading up to your appointment.
Avoid Caffeine: Refrain from consuming coffee or caffeine on the day of your appointment to help minimize discomfort.
Clean Skin: Ensure the treatment area is clean and free of lotions, makeup, or oils.
Avoid Certain Products: Discontinue the use of all retinoids and acid serums before starting electrolysis, and do not use them during your treatment journey.
Disclose Information: Inform your electrologist about any medical conditions, medications, serums, or recent sun exposure.
Limit Sun Exposure: Avoid sun exposure for at least three days before your appointment.
After Your Appointment:
Keep the Area Clean: Avoid touching the treated area unnecessarily. Gently cleanse it as needed.
Use Recommended Products: Apply the soothing cream or ointment recommended by your electrologist to reduce redness or swelling.
Avoid Hair Removal Methods: Do not pluck, wax, or thread the treatment area during your electrolysis journey. Shaving is acceptable but avoid it the day of your appointment.
Avoid Activities and Products:
Refrain from using makeup, retinoids, acid serums, and exfoliants in the treated area for at least 24–48 hours.
Avoid excessive sweating, working out, and tanning for 24–48 hours.
Hydration is Key: Continue to stay well-hydrated post-treatment.
Limit Sun Exposure: Avoid sun exposure for at least two days following your appointment.
By following these steps, you can support your skin’s healing process and achieve optimal results from your electrolysis treatments.